At the start of a new year, especially the one following the year of 2020, many of us hope to make some changes and leave some habits behind. Perhaps we started out strong, but lost steam through either the monotony or upheaval of January 2021 – for it seems like both were present and a cause for even more boredom, stress and anxiety.
Now at the end of January, the month we were hoping to stick to those resolutions and make desired changes, we may feel exhausted and defeated already.
Below are some tips to recommit and keep trying …
+ As we separate from negative attachments and take habits out of our lives, we notice a gap. Therefore, it is equally important to fill that gap with something positive. This “replacement behavior” or activity is especially helpful to insert when we would be participating in that habit you are attempting to alter. Maybe it’s a brisk walk to clear or calm your mind. Maybe it’s music to bring some relaxation. Maybe it’s a new book to foster stimulation and new ideas.
+ Notice the positives that are emerging, not just the negatives of what you’re losing. If you choose to focus on going to bed earlier to improve your sleep, you may think you’re losing precious time to accomplish your “to do” list. But instead, begin to notice how much better you feel the next day and how much more productive you are because of feeling rested and refreshed.
+ Pick 1 thing to focus on. You have a whole 12 months in the year – you don’t have to plan the entire year of changes now. We are only 1/12th of the way through 2021 -- work on 1 thing and notice the benefits. Chances are with that 1 change you’ll see growth in other areas. If you choose to focus on better sleep, you may feel more rested and refreshed, leading to waking earlier with the energy to spend time exercising or time in prayer and meditation. You’ll feel less irritable and improve your interactions with your family.
+ Be gentle with yourself. It took 12 months (or even longer!) to form the habits of 2020 that you may want to change. 12 months of habits are not going to disappear in 1 month. Research says it is closer to 10 weeks ( Persistence pays off and it will get easier with time.
+ Ask for help. We’re made for community. Ask a friend to join you. Tell others what you’re working on for support and accountability. Pray for the grace, strength, courage and opportunities to make the changes.
“You never fail until you stop trying.”
-Albert Einstein